About the Aurora Cascade Salar Salmon Atlantic Fly
The Aurora Cascade is a variation of the popular Ally's Cascade pattern and is tied on a Gold Salar Double hook. It was created by renowned fly tyer Alistair Gowans and has since become a popular choice among salmon anglers around the world.
One of the key features of the Aurora Cascade is its versatility. It can be fished with confidence at all depths and in any river conditions, making it an ideal pattern for use throughout the season. Its flashy appearance and tantalizing movement in the water make it a highly effective pattern that is sure to entice even the most cautious of salmon.
The Aurora Cascade is particularly effective in the spring and autumn months, but it can also be successful during the summer months.
When fished with a traditional wet fly swing, the fly's long flowing materials, including its signature fiery red tail and cascading yellow and orange body, give it an attractive and lifelike movement in the water that is sure to catch the attention of any passing salmon.
Creator of this salmon atlantic fly: Alistair Gowans
Country of origin for this salmon atlantic fly: Scotland
This salmon atlantic fly is designed to be fished on Rivers & Streams
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